Sunday, October 2, 2011

Gus comes Back

The next day was kind of gray and wet, so Ivan tried to just stay dry and warm. He was dozing under the place where he first met Gus, out of sight but at least it was drier than up on top. He thought he heard some rustling noises but the rain was making it hard to tell for sure. But then he heard that snuffling noise and when he poked his head out what did he see but GUS!! He was back and it looked like he was trying to sniff for Ivan. The rain seemed to be confusing him though, but his Momma just headed for the place where they saw Ivan the last time and sure enough, it really was GUS! And he just went crazy when he saw Ivan looking at him from under the pile of crates. He was dancing and sneezing and doing all kinds of goofy stuff. Ivan thought maybe that was dog stuff for 'boy am I happy to see you' and he wouldn't be too far wrong. Gus was happy to see him. Gus really needed a friend too; Miss Cat wasn't real fond of Gus and he just wanted a friend other than his Momma. So, when his Momma was busy, or not around, Gus would have someone else around that cared about him. He was so happy to see Ivan he just couldn't stop wagging his tail and dancing all around the yard. When Ivan came out to see what the crazy dog was doing, Gus just grabbed him up and started dancing with Ivan in his mouth. Ivan thought that was the funniest thing and stared squeaking from sheer joy! Momma was laughing at both of them and trying to get Gus to be careful with Ivan, but neither one of them was paying attention. If Ivan managed to catch his breath and get away from Gus, Gus would just chase after him till he could catch him again. They had so much fun!
Ivan didn't want Gus to leave that day, he was so afraid Gus and his Momma wouldn't come back again like last time. He didn't need to worry though. What he didn't know was that Gus's Momma had talked to the ladies that watched over Ivan's family and asked if Ivan could come home with them. The ladies said that would be just fine with them and so it was all planned that Ivan would come home with Gus the very next day.

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