Gus didn't want to leave his new friend, but his Momma called for him and he always went to see what his Momma needed him for. Sometimes it was walks, sometimes it was just lots of loving, but whenever she called him it was always for some good reason. This time though, he really didn't want to go with her. He was so happy to have a new friend. He knew what cats were, he had one at home named Missy who didn't really like him much. This little one though seemed to really like him. That was really exciting for Gus, he had a FRIEND! His Momma was terrific, but she just didn't understand that Gus was lonely sometimes. Momma was busy doing stuff without him and he missed not having someone to do things with. This kitty didn't run away from him and seemed to like having Gus carry him and clean him up and liked to cuddle with him. But Momma called and Gus had to go, so he did his 'good' dog thing and went with Momma.
The next day though, Momma took Gus to work with her and Dad again and Gus couldn't wait to see if Ivan was still in the backyard. He was so excited he almost dragged Momma to the back door and outside. He ran out to the back and raced to where he had seen Ivan yesterday. He skidded around the corner and sniffed the ground, but no Ivan. Gus was so sad! One day he had a friend and the next day it was gone. Poor Gus, he just lay down in the dirt and looked so sad. But wait! What was that noise? It sounded like grass rustling. Gus looked around and sniffed some more and oh boy!! there was Ivan. He was creeping out from under the fence and headed right for Gus. Gus was so happy! His tail was just wagging a mile a minute. Ivan looked up, saw Gus and hopped right over to him squeaking like crazy. He was happy his new friend was back too.
The two new friends spent the day playing together. Gus was carrying Ivan around or they were chasing each other all over the yard. Gus's Momma came out to get him, but Gus didn't want to come back inside. Momma sat with Gus and Ivan and watched them play for awhile and all of a sudden Momma picked up Ivan and took him in to meet Pops. Wow, it was amazing. Ivan just loved Pops! It was like they were the best of buddies. Gus wasn't so sure about Pops, but if he liked Ivan that was ok with Gus. Pops cuddled with Ivan for a while and then Momma had to take him back outside. Ivan didn't want to go back to that lonely yard, but there wasn't much he could do about it. But, he had had a really good day. His new best buddy came back to play with him and he found a person that really liked him and one that he really liked back. He hoped the next day would be as good as this one. Now he could just ignore his litter mates and not feel so sad that they didn't want him around.
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